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Forgotten Faces of AIDS is a long-term photography project dedicated to increasing public awareness of the HIV/AIDS epidemic in India and to raising funds for organizations providing support for children and adolescents who are infected and/or affected by HIV.

Founded by Donna M. Guenther, M.D., photographer, physician and activist, this project will educate and raise funds through educational presentations, exhibits and sales of photographs.
Forgotten Faces of AIDS: VMM Follow-up and Feedback
Vasavya Mahila Mandali
Vijayawada, AP, India
April 7, 2010
Alliance CHAHA Documentation Project: One Year Followup
Alliance, India
New Delhi, India
June 4, 2010
Forgotten Faces of AIDS: India 2010
Allegheny College
Meadville, PA
June 12, 2010
Forgotten Faces of AIDS: India 2010
Institute for Shipboard Education and Semester at Sea
Forum on Global Engagement
Aboard the MV Explorer